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Social Innovation  

@ Innovate Springfield

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so·cial  in·no·va·tion

/sōSHel/  /ineˈvāSH(e)n/

Collecting high-quality data and research evidence and applying it in ways that increase the positive impact of social programs and services.


(In short: Better service through research & evaluation.)

For innovators addressing social issues, the need is great, the work is hard, and the stakes are high.


That's why Innovate Springfield's Social Innovation Program works to advance the healthy development of Springfield-area community members by identifying, investing in, and spreading knowledge of high-impact social programs and services.  We aim to be a catalyst in building our community’s capacity to serve its most vulnerable residents as effectively as possible through the use of evidence-based programs. We believe that healthy communities support innovation and growth, and enacting our vision for a more innovative region requires us to think critically and creatively about how we can mobilize our best resources in support of our neighbors who are most in need. 


The Social Innovation Program's first roadmap is the Sangamon Success report, a community-wide strategy for increasing evidence-based supports for low-income children and families from cradle to career in Sangamon County. This means that we convene decision-makers, funders, program administrators, non-profit staff, government agencies, educators, parents, volunteers, and anyone else who will listen, to discuss how our community can use research and evaluation to maximize our positive impact on low-income youth and families.


We're just getting started-- stay tuned for more progress on implementing Sangamon Success, plus new programming for social innovators (hackathons and challenges and workshops, oh my!).

Sign up for the monthly Social Innovation newsletter here, and stay in touch!


(Still confused about what the heck all of this means?  First, breathe.  Then, grab your nearest phone and call us at 217-206-8672 to ask your burning social innovation questions.)

What is Preview Day?

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